Alcohol and drug addiction can impact every area of your life, from your physical and mental health to relationships, work, and school. In an alcohol detox center, you’ll find comprehensive support for your journey to recovery. To begin your new sober life with a strong foundation, the best path forward is to go through detox with medical care and support. An alcohol detox center can offer the help you need.
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Do You Need Detox?
The first step in the process is to determine if you need detox. This is a specific type of addiction treatment program that offers a high level of support designed to break your alcohol dependence. Dependence forms over time as the brain adjusts to the presence of alcohol and demands access to it. This is why many people cannot stop drinking on their own. Dependence also causes physical withdrawal and intense cravings. In alcohol addiction, withdrawal symptoms often include intense headaches, insomnia, and feelings of anxiety or mood swings.
You may benefit from alcohol detox at a rehab center if you have symptoms such as:
- A long history of alcohol abuse
- Inability to stop drinking even if you want to
- Previous relapses
- Drinking or thinking about drinking every day
- Feeling cravings or physical pain as a result of not drinking
- Hiding how much or often alcohol is consumed
Addiction forms when a person recognizes that consuming alcohol like this is not safe but feels as though they have to continue to do so to just get through the day. Drug detox centers can help to break this.
What Happens During the Drug Detox Process?
When a person arrives at the rehab center, they will undergo a full assessment to determine the type of care they need. Detox starts right away. Medications are also provided to help relieve withdrawal symptoms.
In addition, our treatment center also addresses other needs you have, including malnutrition, treatment for kidney or liver damage, and other needs. This is also when therapy begins.
Drug Detox in Our Counseling Center
Our alcohol detox program at Ethan Crossing does not involve just providing support for breaking dependence. It also focuses on starting the healing process. This may involve talk therapy for substance abuse treatment. Most people work with counselors to learn about why they drink and how to control the negative thoughts that typically cause them to seek out alcohol. In addition, many who abuse alcohol have underlying mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. With dual diagnosis treatment, we can help in this area as well.
What to Expect in Our Recovery Center
Alcohol detox can be one of the most profound experiences of your lifetime. When you step into our care, you’ll feel safe in a substance-free environment. Treatment begins right away, and mental clarity happens quickly for most people with alcohol addiction. Over a few days and weeks, most people feel stronger as medications and therapy enable healing.
Our treatment center does not stop there. We also offer comprehensive support to get you back to living a productive, healthy life. That means providing with you access to therapies such as:
- 12 step therapy program
- Yoga therapy program
- Family engagement program
- Music therapy program
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Trauma therapy program
No matter what happened to get you to this place of addiction, it is possible to get out with the right help. Our compassionate team is ready to help.
At Ethan Crossing, We’re Ready to Help
For those seeking alcohol detox in Ohio, our team at Ethan Crossing is here to help you. We offer a comprehensive treatment center that’s focused on rebuilding relationships and healing physical damage. Make the decision to seek help. Call 833.691.0736 or connect with us online for more information.