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Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment method that helps relieve pain and discomfort. Many healthcare professionals in the US recognize acupuncture as a treatment method in Western medicine. If you are suffering from addiction, you may need an acupuncture program in Ohio so you can get on the path to recovery. Ethan Crossing Recovery offers clients acupuncture for addiction as part of our holistic addiction treatment program so you can get the pain relief that you need.

Ethan Crossing’s Acupuncture Program in Ohio

Our acupuncture program in Ohio, is an essential part of our holistic addiction treatment program. Our individualized addiction treatment therapy programs include a variety of treatment methods like:

What Is Acupuncture?

man receiving acupuncture program in Springfield OHIn Chinese medicine, acupuncturists apply acupuncture to balance energies in the body. People who practice acupuncture believe that disruptions in this flow of energy can make illnesses worse. When an acupuncturist rebalances these energies, you may experience relief from pain or other symptoms. Even if you do not believe in the flow of energy, the US healthcare system, the FDA, and scientists all recognize that acupuncture supports healing and decreases pain.

At Ethan Crossing Recovery, we use acupuncture therapy to stimulate nerves, muscles, and other tissues. It can also increase blood flow to an area. Additionally, it causes the body to produce “feel good” chemicals that reduce pain as well. Therefore, joining an acupuncture program in Ohio can be extremely beneficial for your body and mind.

Studies Prove Effectiveness of Acupuncture Program

Scientists studied a small group of 43 patients with chronic pain. They found that 43% of these patients reported that acupuncture resolved their symptoms. Another 51% said acupuncture helped, but it did not fully relieve their symptoms. In patients with chronic pain, much larger studies show that acupuncture can reduce the need for pain medications. Furthermore, studies show that acupuncture therapy is moderately effective at reducing neck, back, and knee pain.

How Ethan Crossing Recovery Performs Acupuncture

Acupuncture therapy in Ohio, involves using a map of the surface human body. This map helps your acupuncturist target specific areas of the body to help with your pain. Then, our professionals at Ethan Crossing Recovery will identify a location to target. The acupuncturist then cleans the area. Next, they apply a thin, sterile, single-use needle to each target area. This needle rests in the outermost layer of the skin. It rarely causes any discomfort. Once the needles are in place, you lie there and relax for 20 minutes. Most people describe the result as profound relaxation. Some people say they can feel the energy flowing through their bodies. After a session in an acupuncture program in Ohio, you will feel revitalized.

Acupuncture therapy is part of a much larger treatment program. This is because addiction and the addiction treatment itself can take a lot out of you in body, mind, and emotion. Therefore, acupuncture can help you relax and reduce pain levels over time. Acupuncture for addiction can restore lost energy. As a result, cells heal themselves from the damage that addiction causes. After you have completed your acupuncture program in Ohio, we hope you will continue to participate in treatment. Acupuncture can help you re-center yourself and can help keep yourself away from drugs or alcohol.

Are you suffering from addiction? Are you abusing drugs to relieve chronic pain? Ethan Crossing Recovery’s acupuncture therapy in Springfield, Ohio, can help you get on the path to long-lasting recovery. Call us at 833.691.0736 to learn more so you can start your recovery today.