lies addicts tell

I Don’t Have A Problem & Other Lies Addicts Tell

Lying and manipulating are among the most common characteristics of an addict. Lies and manipulation tactics serve as defense mechanisms. Many of them do it to avoid confrontation, especially if you are confronting them about their addiction. It’s also a way to shield themselves from dealing with their own feelings about their addiction. Lies addicts…

Proven Strategies For Relapse Prevention

Some people believe that relapse is a part of recovery. It is true that many people will experience a relapse and get back into recovery. Unfortunately, a relapse can be a dangerous endeavor that causes people to avoid recovery. Others will die from a relapse. At Ethan Crossing – Springfield, we want to educate people…

families in addiction treatment

The Role of Families in Addiction Treatment

When a person struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, it affects the entire family. An addict and families in addiction treatment have to work extra hard to change their family dynamics. They struggle with anger, resentment, and fear.  These emotions are natural. While an individual’s struggle has a far-reaching effect, the family can also play…

High-Functioning Anxiety: The Truth Behind The Hidden Disorder

To understand high-functioning anxiety, you first have to know what anxiety is. Simply put, anxiety is the intense feeling of persistent fear, worry, coupled with speedy breathing, increased pulse rate, sweating, and even fatigue in some cases.  Anxiety is normal during situations that are stressful such as during exams, weddings, or public speaking. Whereas high…